
Your Thoughts are Important to Us!

We frequently hear from Youth Dynamics’ Alum who keep in touch with us as they enter adulthood. Some call a staff person who helped them, some visit our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/ydimt), and often someone will drop by our health fair booth or education display and share with us a little of their own story. While some people are happy to share their stories with the community, many prefer privacy.

Youth we serve frequently go on to lead happy, healthy adult lives and are business owners, professionals, great parents, community volunteers, and local leaders, in addition to being mentors, foster parents, therapists, and youth/family professionals.

Current Youth Dynamics Families and former Youth Dynamics Kids: If you would like to share your story with us or offer any feedback about Youth Dynamics, please contact dawn.wilson@youthdynamics.org.

For all our staff, the reward for our work is the healing and growth we see in the youth and families we help.