14 Quotes on Having a Gentle Response to Kids’ Mistakes

How do you respond to children when they make mistakes? It impacts everything from the comfort they have coming to us when they slip up to the mindset they develop to successfully navigate challenges.

Your Child’s Mistakes Help Them To:

Allow your child to make mistakes

Quotes on Having a Gentle Response to Kids’ Mistakes

Below are fourteen quotes to guide you in having a gentle response to your child when they make mistakes.

Quote 1- Parents have two primary jobs when it comes to keeping their kids safe and making them feel safe

Quote 1: Parents have two primary jobs when it comes to keeping their kids safe and making them feel safe. The first is to protect them from harm. The second is to avoid becoming the source of fear and threat. – Daniel J. Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson

Quote 2- Parenting is not about raising kids who never make mistakes

Quote 2: Parenting is not about raising children who never make mistakes. It’s about being a safe place for them when they do. – @simplyonpurpose

Quote 3- I think it's really important that my home is not another place where kids feel like a failure

Quote 3: I think it’s really, really important that our home is not another place where our kids feel like they are failing—like they aren’t enough. – Rachel Macy Stafford

Quote 4- I often wonder if we speak so harshly to ourselves when we make mistakes

Quote 4: I often wonder if we speak so harshly to ourselves when we make a mistake because that’s how we were spoken to when we messed up as kids. – Shelly Robinson

Quote 5- The patience and kindness you offer your child when they've make a mistake

Quote 5: The patience and kindness you offer your child when they’ve made a mistake will be the patience and kindness they offer themselves when they make a mistake as an adult. Be kind and intentional with your words. – @loveandletgrow

Quote 6- We teach our children how honest they can be

Quote 6: We teach our kids how honest they can be with us based on how we react when they tell us things we don’t want to hear. – Susan Stiffelman

Quote 7- Getting angry and yelling at your child doesn't teach them not to make mistakes

Quote 7: Getting angry and yelling at kids for making mistakes doesn’t teach them not to make mistakes—it teaches them to hide their mistakes. – @simplyonpurpose

Quote 8- I never want my kids to mess up and think

Quote 8: I never want my kids to mess up and think, “Dad’s going to kill me.” Instead, I want their first thought to be, “I need to call my dad.” – Unknown

Quote 11- When we make a mistake while attempting to learn a new skill

Quote 9: When we make a mistake while attempting to learn a new skill, we don’t like to be isolated and made to feel ashamed for what we did wrong. Neither do children. – Shelly Robinson

Quote 10- When my child has made a poor choice that has lead to painful consequences

Quote 10: When my child has made a poor decision that has led to a painful lesson, the last thing they need is a side of belittlement and condescension from me. – Unknown

Quote 9- When my child makes a mistake and I feel tempted to scold them

Quote 11: When my child makes a mistake, and I feel tempted to scold them, I try to remember how I want to be treated when I make mistakes in my own life—with compassion, curiosity, and grace. – Shelly Robinson

Quote 12- Kids cannot persevere unless they know mistakes are a part of life

Quote 12: Kids cannot persevere unless they know mistakes are part of life. Talk about your child’s mistakes without criticizing, showing anger, or shaming. Then give constructive feedback on how to improve. – Inspired by Michele Borba

Quote 13- Look for solutions rather than punishment

Quote 13: Look for solutions rather than punishments. Children need to learn how to fix their mistakes, not just pay for them. – Rebecca Eanes

Quote 14- One day, your child will make a mistake or bad choice and run to you

Quote 14: One day, your child will make a mistake or a bad choice and run to you instead of away from you. And in that moment, you will know the immense value of peaceful, positive, respectful parenting. – L.R. Knost

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