16 Quotes on Raising Empowered Kids

Want to raise kids with the foundation needed to navigate life confidently? It starts with empowerment, and when we leverage it to guide kids, we help them develop everything from critical decision-making to communication skills and even boost their mental health.

Below are sixteen quotes that provide a roadmap for raising empowered kids.

Quotes on How to Raise Empowered Kids

Quote 1 If we want children to take responsibility

Quote 1: If we want children to take responsibility for their own behavior, we must first give them responsibility. – Alfie Kohn

Quote 2 Controlling our children is never the real goal

Quote 2: Controlling our children is never the real goal. Teaching our children self-control is the goal. – Dr. David Erickson

Quote 3 meaning to assume responsibility for their actions

Quote 3: The goal of disciplining your child is actually to help them develop self-discipline, meaning to assume responsibility for their actions, including making amends and avoiding a repeat, whether the authority figure is present or not. – Laura Markham

Quote 4 If you force control

Quote 4: If you force control now, you risk influence later. – @youthdynamicsmt

Quote 5 Control is an illusion

Quote 5: Control is an illusion; no parent has control over a child’s outcome. The best you shoot for is influence. Caregivers have a lot more influence, and their voices are more likely to be heard when they hear their kids’ voices and involve them in solving problems that affect their lives. – Inspired by Ross Greene

Quote 6 A child is more likely to implement a solution that they create

Quote 6: A child is more likely to implement a solution that they create. – @youthdynamicsmt

Quote 7 If a child pushes for control it wont help to take more control away

Quote 7: If a child pushes for control, it won’t help to take more control away. – @youthdynamicsmt

Quote 8 To change your childs behavior involve them in the process

Quote 8: To change your child’s behavior, involve them in the process. Otherwise, you’re inviting a power struggle. – @youthdynamicsmt

Quote 9 You are the parent which means you are in charge

Quote 9: You are the parent, which means you are in charge. You’re not in charge as a judge or dictator. You are in charge as a guide and mentor. – @dr.siggie

Quote 10 Children who never learn to respectfully challenge authority

Quote 10: Children who never learn to respectfully challenge authority or trust their own judgment grow up struggling to set boundaries, say no, and speak up for themselves. – Shelly Robinson

Quote 11 My kids literally cannot back talk me.

Quote 11: My kids literally cannot back-talk me. Because what society calls back talk is simply a conversation where you hold all the power and ultimate say. I respect my kids enough to always hear them out. Their voices matter. My kids don’t back-talk—we have conversations. – Inspired by Sujai Johnston

Quote 12 We need to teach kids how to have respectful disagreements

Quote 12: A child saying “no” doesn’t mean they are being disrespectful. We need to teach kids how to have respectful disagreements. – Inspired by Krysten Taprell

Quote 13 We learn decision making skills through making decisions

Quote 13: We learn decision-making skills through making decisions, not by having decisions made for us. And often, we learn more from the “wrong” ones than we do the “right” ones. – Unknown

Quote 14 Our role as parents isnt to shield our kids from problems

Quote 14: Our role as parents isn’t to shield our kids from problems. It’s to guide them in learning to problem-solve on their own. – Inspired by @dr.siggie

Quote 15 When kids master skills they build self esteem

Quote 15: When kids master skills, they build self-esteem. Stepping in too soon robs them of achievement and independence. – @youthdynamicsmt

Quote 16 When kids believe they can be successful they tend to be willing participants

Quote 16: A child’s sense of competence largely determines whether they engage or refuse. When kids believe they can be successful, they tend to be willing participants. – @drnicolebeurkens

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