Tips for Helping Kids Through the Coronavirus Outbreak

On Sunday, March 15th, Montana Governor, Steve Bulluck announced that all K-12 youth in public schools would need to stay home for a minimum of two weeks in order to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. This decision has left many parents needing to stay home with youth and scrambling to find ways to keep kids safe and happy.

In order to support families with children staying at home, we have come up with four tips for parents.

Talk About the Coronavirus

Everyday we are being bombarded with messaging from the media and those around us that could insight fear in youth. Give children the facts about the virus and let them know that everything will be alright.  Remember, children can easily pick up on nervous energy, so if you panic you will cause your children to panic as well.

Keep a Schedule

People are creatures of habit, and every child thrives with routine.  Keeping kids on a schedule will help relieve worry and even improve sleep and behavior.

An added bonus, if your going stir crazy and want to be creative, mount a whiteboard or chalkboard in your home a post a schedule each day for your family to reference.

Help Kids Keep in Contact

Utilize technology to help keep kids plugged in socially while also practicing social distancing. Most phones have video chat capabilities, and if they don’t, you can use Facebook Messenger video chat to allow them to talk to friends and extended family.

Get Outside!

Being cooped up inside all day isn’t good for any one’s mental health!  As long as children are practicing social distancing, there is nothing wrong with letting them go outside to get some fresh air and exercise!

An added bonus, regular exercise improves health and strengthens the immune system!

Looking for more tips to boost your child’s well-being? Make sure to stay tuned to our blog and follow us at Youth Dynamics of Montana on Facebook or youthdynamicsmt on Instagram!

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