Here’s a story about what foster care is like for an abused child removed from her home.

by | Apr 13, 2018 | Blog, Featured, Foster Care, Trauma

UpWorthyMarch 31, 2014

Trigger warning. 400,000 children are in foster care in the U.S., and kids who find themselves in the system come from difficult backgrounds. This film was made to bring awareness to what some kids experience and to help adults understand life through the children’s eyes. At the end, she says it all: “I am lovable. I am worthy of care.”



To learn more about foster care, visit AdoptUSKids. You can share this by hitting the Facebook and Twitter buttons below.

This story originally appeared in UpWorthy and was authored by Laura Willard.


There are currently 3,952 children in the Montana foster care system and less than half the number of foster homes.  Children who do not find homes end up in shelters and group homes.  It is not uncommon for children to travel great distances to find placement, moving from placement to placement multiple times.  Each time a child moves they lose friends, social supports, and often times change schools.  Some children will move 16 times or more before they find permanency.

If you are interested in becoming a foster parent, please contact Youth Dynamics via our website, call 1-877-458-7022, or message us over Facebook.  We will direct you to your local Family Development Worker who can answer all of your questions and get you started.

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