12 Quotes on Anxiety & Coping

Are you a nervous Nellie? Truthfully, life with anxiety is challenging! It’s a vicious cycle of overthinking and stress that take your brain hostage. And to combat it? Mindfulness is a must, but often easier said than done.

Below are twelve of our best quotes that highlight anxiety and coping.

Quote 1: If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present. – Lao Tzu

Quote 2: You must be extremely direct with an overthinker because their mind creates too many scenarios, and they start analyzing each of them. – Unknown

Quote 3: If it’s out of your hands, it deserves freedom from your mind too. – Ivan Nuru

Quote 4: Life is 10% what you experience and 90% how you respond to it. – Unknown

Quote 5: Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency. Nothing is that important. – Natalie Goldberg

Quote 6: When the world feels like an emotional roller coaster, steady yourself with simple rituals. Do the dishes. Fold Laundry. Water the plants. Simplicity attracts wisdom. – Unknown

Quote 7: F-E-A-R has two meanings: “Forget Everything and Run” or “Face Everything and Rise.” The choice is yours. – Zig Ziglar

Quote 8: Collecting worst-case scenarios doesn’t protect me. It only projects the possible pain of tomorrow into my day today and feeds more fear. – Lysa Terkeurst

Quote 9: No amount of regret changes the past. No amount of anxiety changes the future. But any amount of gratitude changes the present. – Marc & Angel

Quote 10: One day you will look back and realize that you worried too much about things that don’t really matter. Let today be that day. – Unknown

Quote 11: Worrying is a misuse of your incredible creative energy. Instead of imagining the worst, imagine the best and how you can bring it about. – Marc & Angel

Quote 12: You’re afraid of surrender because you don’t want to lose control. But you never had control; all you had was anxiety. – Elizabeth Gilbert

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